Where is the golden temple inazuma eleven
This is very useful as you can search out new players for your team through this system. Also, you have now unlocked the River Bank area. The next objective is to go to the river bank so that you may practice. You can now talk to Celia to scout out players. You may want to do so right away, or you may not, it's your choice. Check the Recruiting System Celia section for more info on recruiting players. Go out of the clubroom to find the headmaster gah, I wish to rip him off.
He offers his help to the soccer club by giving the option to change the roster of the soccer club team. He also tells about the Story squad and Connect squad now that is the reason I let him live.
Now as the tennis courts are unlocked; let's head there for some goodies. Go upwards towards the baseball field. Follow the path to go to the tennis courts. Of Chests- 2 Walkthrough- This area has the tennis courts and the third year building at the topmost part of the area, currently blocked by a bully. As soon as you enter this area, you meet up with Peabody again. Talk to him nine times and this time he will finally join the team!
Add him to the roster, just like you did for Axel. You have also unlocked a route on the Connection Map by befriending Peabody. Now continue along the wall to the right to find a chest containing a Cookie Bar. You may also see stairs leading to a building. Don't bother climbing, they are blocked anyways. Instead, head downwards to check out the tennis courts. At the left of the left side pathway, there is a chest containing Youth Boots. Now head in to the tennis courts and go to the lower right corner to find a chest which contains Milk.
Now that we've got everything we could possibly get, let's head on to the river bank through the main gate. But first, you may like to go to the Tower area for some goodies.
Go to the gate to meet up Axel. Watch a small scene, after which you regain control. Walk up to the gate and select yes to go to the map, then select the Tower area. Of Chests- 0 Walkthrough- Go to the lower right area the area with the thunderbolt and talk to the cat to get the key to the Athletics Club room, which is situated just beside the soccer club room.
Now climb up towards the tower but don't go up to the tower. Instead, take a left and go to the house that is standing there. There is a person standing there who is a twin of the Mr Veteran at the school. He can exchange moves of one player to the other one at the cost of Prestige Points. Keep in mind though, only the moves which you have taught them through Move Manuals can be exchanged. After talking to him, leave the area and go to the river bank. Of Chests- 3 Walkthrough- You start off at a road at the far upper left corner of the area.
You can follow the road straight away to the designated area, but instead, climb down the stairways to the bottom of the area. At the middle right part of the area, there is a chest containing a Cookie Bar. There is also a Rejuvenation Point there. Remember it, you're gonna need this.
Now go downwards and onto the pier at the bottom left corner. Follow it to the end to find a B-Slash Battle formation card. Now climb up and follow the path to the right. Go up to the road in the next area to find a chest containing 65 Prestige Points. You may have noticed the soccer pitch at the centre of the area.
That is where you have to go. But before going there, you may consider recharging your team up by the Rejuvenation Point at the previous area.
After doing so, head back to the soccer pitch and save your game when you reach there. After that, talk to the girl in the centre to trigger a scene. After that, you have to play a match against them to decide the pitch's user. Answer the man with a yes to get on with it. Press and hold L or R button to activate it. Don't get too cocky though, you can use it once per match. So, use it wisely. After that, an overview of the pitch is shown through different camera angles. Then the match starts after a few dialogues.
After the initial VS. Choose the Butterfly formation, it helps here. Also, put Steve, Max and Kevin in the forward and remove Willy. Swap him with Peabody in defence if you have recruited him. If not, put him in the defence. Leave everything else as it is. Now go back to the formation screen and hit next. You are shown the KFC's formation. You can click on info to see what shots and techniques they use. This information always comes in handy.
After viewing their stats, go back and hit next to start the match. This match is the first match you get to play. So here are some quick advices which are gonna help you to win.
He almost always misses it, no matter what. Use the time out initialized by touching the hand sign at the lower screen's upper right corner frequently to make your passes perfect. Don't go berserk with the stylus. Use it gently, so that your players remain in full control. Try to have players near the goal when you are gonna take a shot. That way, if you miss a shot, there's somebody who can take over quickly.
As an extension to the above one, try to surround the defenders around the goal to maximize the chance of taking a rebound shot. Use Chip Shots on the goalie. He won't be able to block out many of your shots. Well, that's it; this is all you are going to need to win this match.
After you win, your team will level up and many of the team players will get new moves. After that, you are treated with a cutscene.
Now you have got a new skill to master, the Dragon Crash. Also, you have unlocked a route on the Connection Map. After some more cutscenes, you get back to the soccer club room, where you obtain a Gaudy Bracelet. It helps you get more battles while you walk around. Good for training, bad for enjoyment. If you wanna use it, open up the menu, choose Equipment, them Equip and then select a member to whom you want to put on the bracelet. Then press A button and then select and hit A button on the desired item to equip it.
Beware though, if you really want to use the bracelet; you have to keep the man wearing it in your party of four, which you are playing with. Anyways, you start at the upper left corner of the school pitch area.
I'd suggest you to go back to the club room area, there are some goodies there. Of Chests- 2 Walkthrough- Go to the extreme left of the area to find a big building with five connected rooms. They are the other sport club rooms, including athletics, baseball, cycling and tennis. Go to the third one to enter the athletics club room. Open the two chests there to find a Cookie Bar and Victory Gloves. Also talk to the person standing in the blue-only same as yours uniform to take one more player into the team.
Now head out towards the baseball field. Note- While I was playing the game again, Miles didn't appeared straight off. I had to run around a bit to get him but he was depicted as she in the anime Of Chests- 0 well Walkthrough- Go to the lower right corner of the map and talk to the kid there.
He will give you Victory Now you have nothing to do at Raimon, so you might as well go to the river bank. Go to the main gate to proceed down to the river bank.
Now head in to the next area. Go to the soccer pitch and talk to the girl and answer her question with a yes to continue on to the story or answer her no and then yes to play a match with them. I'd recommend you to play a match with them, gives you a hefty level boost. If you go with the training instead of match, then a small cutscene occurs. Now you've got access to the Special Training Spots, which are represented by the lightning bolts around town.
They can be used at a cost of some Prestige Points to increase your specific abilities, like speed, kick, guard, control etc.
Also note that if you continue to train only one person for some time, his cost for training increases. After the scene ends, you start back at school, where you have to play the match for which you've been training so hard. You have to talk to Silvia to get the match started. Of Chests- 0 Walkthrough- You can go directly to her to get the match underway as they are no chests to open here.
However, they are some personnel you may like to see, like the kid standing at the door of the radio control room at the second floor just who do he thinks he is. He can be scouted by Celia by the Search by Name function. Type the name Chester, and you will get him in the team, after talking with him. But after you search for him, he'll go back to the chess club, where you can't go right now.
Also, you can meet your opponents at the main gate. They sure look scary. Anyways, go back to Silvia and talk to her to initiate some cutscenes and after that, your "cursed" match with Occult start.
Also, you get Axel on your team as well. Now you are required to put Axel in the team. Do so by selecting Axel in the list on the right and then pressing A button on any empty place on the list on the left side. After that, you have to put Axel and Kevin as your strikers and Mark as your goalie. Do so, and you are good to go. Their Weaknesses- Their too much dependence on curse, low usage of special moves.
Recommended Team Level- will be perfect. This match's pretty easy despite of it being cursed and stuff. Try your best to pass the ball to Kevin and get him to the goal. After you start taking a shot, Kevin's Dragon Crash is unlocked. You scored a goal! After your shot, a scene takes place and you are shown "true despair" in the form of a secret technique, the Ghost Lock. All of your players freeze to their places and Talisman the move maker gets down to the goal easily.
Oh boy, troubling. After that, the first half ends with a cutscene. The score is still tied to each, but the trouble's still not over. One more Ghost Lock is performed, and you are All credit goes to Axel.
Now that you have broken the Ghost Lock, you can finally put them out of the game once and for all. Pass the ball to Kevin again and try a Dragon Crash. This again starts a cutscene, after which you have to use one more trick from Kevin, a co-op move with Axel, which is the Dragon Tornado. Do it, and you will score one more, resulting in the victory of the match. Err, I mean, you have to keep them at bay for at least a bit of time to win.
After the match, a cutscene occurs, after which you can save your game. You have also unlocked a route on the Connection Map. Save your game and a new chapter will begin. Chests- 0 Walkthrough- After a small talk about a new kid in town, you get to meet him at the club room. So, let's go go go. Since there are no chests here, you might as well go directly to the club room. Chests- 0 Walkthrough- Just enter the area to trigger a scene boy, this kid sure has some nerves.
You have unlocked a route on the Connection Map and has also got a new team mate. Now, go into the club room to trigger yet another cutscene. Now you have to go to the library located at the ground floor of the 2nd year building. You have also unlocked the Extra Competition Route, by which you can play matches against the teams you have already played. After clearing a route, you will be awarded a special item. Now back to Celia in the library. Chests- 0 1 in Tennis Court Walkthrough- Go to the library at the left of the area and talk to Celia there to get a new objective.
You have to search the book shelves to get something. Between second and third shelves there are two shining objects. Pick them up to get the move manuals of Quick Draw and Spinning Shot. Now you can use these manuals to teach your players new moves. At the next shelf, there is yet another move manual for Magic.
Now return to Celia to discover one more manual lying near her. Its half part is missing, though. Now you have to talk to the librarian for some clues, who is standing right beside you. Talk to her and she will tell you about the comic book club. You have to go there. By this act, you have now unlocked the Swimming Pool area, which can be accessed by taking the path leading to the right in the Tennis Court area.
So, let's head there. But before going there, check the Tennis Court for a chest containing Cookie Bar at the upper left corner of the area. Chests- 3 Walkthrough- Go to the upper left corner of the area to discover a chest. Open it to get a Hyper Bar. Now go to the upper right corner of the area to find yet another chest.
Open it to get a Cookie Bar. Now go up to the swimming pool located on the right side of the area and go to the upper part of it. There is a chest which contains Baseball club key.
The club is just beside yours. Now go to the right side of the swimming pool to enter the changing room aaah! Talk to the guy standing at the door to take him into the team he's a real pervert, isn't he. Now get out of there and go to the comic club room. Open the chest at the lower right corner to get a Doppelganger move manual.
Now go to the left of the area to see the same kid from the radio room here again. If you have searched for him; you can now recruit him for your team. If not, search for him through Celia by name and type the name Chester. Now go to the upper part of the area and talk to the man at the left to trigger a scene, after which you have to follow that kid in red hair.
But before doing so, go up one level to find the newspaper club. Open the chest there to obtain a B- Right Wing battle card.
Now get out of the comic club room. Go to the upper right part of the area to find the incinerator. Go there and watch a scene.
After that you have to go to the river bank to practice. Walk a few steps to find the new kid, Bobby. After a few exchange of dialogues, he'll tag along with you. Also, you get a Racy Comic and an unlocked route on the Connection Map.
You have to go to the river bank now. Go to the lower part of the area to go to the Gym area. Chests- 0 Walkthrough- There is the gym at the right corner. It's inaccessible at the moment though. So, let's just go to the left, following the path to reach the school pitch. Now head to the main gate to go to the river bank. Chests- 1 Walkthrough- Go to the river bank pitch area and then to the lower left corner to find a chest containing Mineral Water. Now go to the pitch and talk to the guy there to trigger a cutscene.
After that, you have to play a match against these guys. Recommended Team Level- If you have levelled your team up to my recommendations and have got hold on the controls, then this one's a cake piece. Just concentrate on getting up to the goal and use Dragon Tornado as often as you can. As for team formation, use Midfield Block or Butterfly. Put Axel, Kevin and Max in the forward and any player of your choice in defence and midfield. The rest is all the same.
After the match, you get Umbrella kit and Super Water. After that, a cutscene ensues and after that, you have to go to the club room. Head back to the Raimon through the pathway under the bridge.
Chests- 5 Walkthrough- Enter this area to trigger a scene. After that go to the left of the area and open the last door there to enter the Baseball club room. Open the chests there for Impact Shoes and Comet Shot move manual.
Also, talk to the kid standing near the stairs look a bit hard to find him to recruit him for the team. Then get out and head to the back gate to help out Axel.
After a short exchange of threats, you have to follow Axel to the hospital. It is beyond the back gate. As soon as you enter it, you are challenged for a soccer battle. Put Axel in your party and then play the match. Win it by using Axel's Fire Tornado and then you have to go into the hospital. Before that though, go out and take the Cookie Bar and Prestige Points.
Take the stairs can't they just make an elevator for a change and open the chest at the end of the corridor for Smart Boots. Now go to the adjoining room for a cutscene. Now you have unlocked a route on the Connection Map. Now you have to put Jack in your party. Do so and then go to the river bank. Chests- 0 Walkthrough- Enter the area to trigger a scene. Now you have to put Axel in your party man, why are they throwing them off like that if they are planning to put them back anyways.
Now go to the pitch and talk to Edmounds to start the practice. You can also have a practice match with them if you want. After practice, you obtain a new move for Axel, the Inazuma Drop. Now you have to go to the station to board a train to Wild Junior High School.
You also get a message telling about the co-op moves partners. Leave the school via the front gate to go to the station. Chests- 4 Walkthrough- Go to the road going to the right to find a chest containing a Stamina Bar. Now go to the topmost part of the area and then follow the road to the right to find a chest containing a Sports Drink. At the upper left corner of the area, there is a convenient store where you can buy edibles, equipment and special move manuals. Go in and buy whatever you like.
After that, go to the station in the upper centre part and buy a ticket to Wild, don't worry, you won't have to pay a dime.
Don't forget to recharge your team with the Rejuvenation Point there. Now you have arrived at the Wild Jr. Open the two chests in front of you to find a Spinning Cut move manual and a Stamina Bar. Continue further right to meet up with Nelly. After that, continue over to the bridge in the centre to start the match. You can also go back to the city through the right side of the area.
You have to put Axel and Jack in your team first, though. After a small cutscene, the match finally starts. Pass to Axel and do the Inazuma Drop move to score a goal.
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Where is aphrodite in inazuma eleven 2? Where can you play inazuma eleven online? Why you cant recruit in inazuma eleven 3? Is inazuma eleven availble for xbox? Are inazuma eleven firestorm cheat codes available? After opening the door you'll see a sequence where Willy will work on a computer that will test that andabais looking hack. But soon after a few members appear Otaku team and will challenge you to a pachanga. Pachanga Raimon Fans vs. Otaku 4 to 4. Back to the club house! After winning the face pachanga Otaku fans will have to return to the club house and give evidence of pirating Nelly.
After you spend to watch a few rounds of Mark talking to the strange man in the raincoat, Silvia talking to Bobby, and your opponents in the Royal Academy , and when completed will also end up with the episode.
Go see the bus! There you will see a sequence in which to speak and coach Bobby Wintersea. Soon Celia appears saying it has gone the notebook in which he pointed all data on your computer, so you'll have to dedicate yourself to get it.
Enter the club house to find the notebook and you will see a sequence in which Bobby has confessed that he caught. Go to the bus parking! Return to the parking and talk to Wintersea next to coach. Then you'll see a sequence in which Bobby Wintersea unmask the traitor and he will confess his plans and will run away.
Stop at the main entrance Wintersea! Go to the main entrance of the school and return there to meet with coach Wintersea. Then spend to see a sequence in which Bobby will tell you that he will make Wintersea and that you are going to prepare for the match will unlock a new path of contacts.
Back to the dugout have to talk to Celia, that you read a letter that has left Bobby in the notebook he stole earlier. When finished, Nelly appears and tells you to go see your father because you can not keep playing without a coach. Go to the principal's office! Go to the second floor of the institute and comes into the office there west to speak with Raimon, the director. Then tells you to go to a restaurant called Rai Rai to find a new coach for the team: the former captain of the legendary Inazuma Eleven opens access to the pedestrian shopping district.
Go to the restaurant Rai Rai! Go to neighborhood shops and follow the main street until the end to find the entrance to the pedestrian. Once in the street, enters the restaurant Rai Rai marked on the map by a yellow flag and talk to the character inside, which will not know what you're talking about you unlock a new path of contacts. But when you leave the restaurant will see the mysterious man in the raincoat that you've seen before Gregory Smith and tell you where you can find a member of Inazuma Eleven: Arthur Sweet.
Go see Arthur on the banks of the river! Once in the river area go to training camp during the tour you will see a sequence of Smith talking to the character who was inside the restaurant , and speak there with Arthur, the coach of FC Kids Inazuma.
After seeing a sequence in which they speak with Arthur and Celia, will leave in search of Bobby and Sylvia, and then you'll talk to Arthur Smith. Go to the Tower! Fortunately arrive in time to prevent it, although this should win a few followers pachanga against your old coach. Pachanga Men in black vs Raimon 4 to 4. By winning the pachanga get a hot bracelet, and then will be taken to see several sequences from which to recover to Bobby for the team and coach will find: Seymour Hillman, Rai Rai restaurant manager and former captain of Inazuma Eleven.
Go to the field when you're ready! Return to Raimon Institute and talk to your coach in the middle of training camp. Thus, Hillman will take care of your training and time will automatically go up on game day, appearing in the club house.
It's game time! Go to the station and gets a ticket to go to the Royal Academy. Enter the Royal Academy! When you get off the train you unlock a new path of contacts, and then have to move north to join the Royal Academy, but before that you'll see a stream with a conversation between Celia and Jude, the captain of the Royal Academy.
Once inside you'll see a long sequence before the game where it will be several things: Jude warn you that you have set a trap, and Gregory Smith, who actually is a police officer will appear and stop the coach from the Royal Academy of attempted murder.
The team from the Royal Academy is arguably the toughest team you've faced so far. By winning the match will get a Chocolate, Royal Team uniforms, and tactics of game dead zone. Then you'll see a sequence in which you will discover that Celia and Jude were brothers. Also you will learn that despite defeating the Royal Academy, you probably have to face them again in the national soccer tournament that will access now.
Inside the cabin you'll see a sequence that will meet your first opponent in the national tournament, the team from the Shuriken. In addition, Hillman will tell you he's trying to reunite the veterans of the legendary players Inazuma Eleven team to train you.
Go to the football field and trains! Go to the Institute's training ground and talk to the character at the center to discover that time is not usable because they are doing a modificaciones.
Go to the river bank and talk to Arthur! Go to the field of river that's in the Bank of the river, and as you get there you'll see a sequence in which various things happen, but the most important is that you reunited with Arthur and Celia, which will give its notes of Yosemite, Gladstone and Builder, three Inazuma Eleven veterans who refuse to work will unlock a new path of contacts.
Looking for veterans of the Inazuma! Now you must find three Inazuma veterans who refuse to cooperate: Joseph Yosemite, Edward Gladstone and Constant Builder see notes of Celia in the Object menu for clues on where to find them. To find Yosemite Joseph go to the Tower area and there you will see a sequence in which a double by Mark tries to elicit information from a man named Barista Joseph Yosemite actually.
Fortunately it will be exposed in a test and so, Joseph decided to join the cause of your computer. Then Mark will come up with an idea for finding the real Edward, and so you can talk to him and convince him to help you.
To find a Builder Constant head to the pedestrian shopping area and there you will see him scolding a boy in front of the superstores that runs sports. Then go into the store to talk to him and try to convince him to help you, but unfortunately not succeed and you have to give up. Go talk to Arthur again! River returns to the field is in the Bank of the river to talk to Arthur and then try to convince you recommend teaching something that moves you: your grandfather's gloves.
Mark Go home! Go to Mark's house in the suburbs and then your mother will give the gloves of his grandfather who was looking for: legacies Gloves will unlock a new path of contacts.
Go to the superstores of sports! Turn now to the pedestrian shopping district and into the sports superstores Constant Builder to talk to him teach the gloves just to get. Then decide to give it a try and you will cite in a new area which could not previously access: the secret warehouse.
Go to store secret! Leave the shop and go south to access the secret storage area. There you should get in a store marked by a purple arrow on the map. Inside the warehouse you'll find Constant Builder along with other veterans of the Inazuma. After that four members of the Institute will Shuriken those who will have to defeat at a party that'll leave you alone once and how heavy! Pachanga Raimon lethal vs Ninjas 4 to 4. Then really otrasecuencia where you can see the improvements that are taking place in the institute's training camp, but as yet have to be completed to continue coaching elsewhere.
Return to the shopping area to train in secret store, and there will have to play a friendly against Inazuma Eleven veterans to complete your homework. Although team members are somewhat older veterans, are still quite competitive. To win the game you get a supreme kebabs, old school uniform, and you'll unlock a new path of contacts. After winning the match should talk again with Constant Builder, and answer yes to the question you do. Go to the station and gets a ticket to go to the Institute Shuriken.
Party Raimon vs Shuriken. In principle, it need not spend too much trouble playing against this team, because if you've trained enough should be higher. To win the game you get a supreme kebabs, the Uniform Computer Shuriken, and tactics Wings crane.
During the rest of the meeting, Kelly will receive the news that his father has suffered an accident and is in the hospital, and at the end of the meeting, I reported the news to you. Also you will learn the powerful Royal Academy lost in front of a mysterious machine called Zeus.
Here Celia will tell you about your next opponent in the national tournament, the team at the Institute Farm, but unfortunately still can not tell you anything about the mysterious Zeus team that defeated the Royal Academy. Go play the field! Go to the newly renovated training camp and then brings up the family and give you Raimon Note Sonny to give it to Nelly when you find her.
Go to the office of Nelly! Go now to the release of Nelly to search in the second floor of the institute , and you will see that is not there, but his assistant will give you a clue where he might be. Return now to the release of Nelly and you will find a policeman investigating an attempted robbery in the office. Unfortunately it will be a false police it will do is steal some documents to Nelly and run. Catch the thief! Even after the false police will steal them in a careless and disappear will unlock a new path of contacts.
Once back to the booth will see several sequences of the most interesting: Jude Sharp, the leader of the Royal Academy, will join your team. Smith then catch the thief and Nelly finally be able to read the documents of his father Sonny Sheets. And you will learn what happened 40 years ago with the team and Ray Dark Inazuma Eleven.
Go to store secret is in the neighborhood stores to practice how to overcome the team's defensive wall Farm. But as you can not, Hillman will tell you something about a final shot that might help.
Back to Mark's home! Go to Mark's house in the residential area to talk to his mother, and then she will give you a key to open a secret door. But what?! Find the door! The door opens that key is inside the club house, on the west wall. Practice on the field! Go to the institute's training camp to try to practice the new technique, but things did not go as expected due to low team morale. Then you'll see a sequence within the hut in which Hillman coach will give you some tips on how to fix the problem.
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