When is nvidia 700 series
I don't have any problems with any of this stuff. It all works just fine. I despise Boost, Nvidia need to make it either boost to a set speed when it boosts or remove the whole feature or atlest give us the means to disable it. That and the fact when ever the i had ran boost with 1. And I sure as hell dont like the idea that my clock speeds are all over the place I have similar features disabled on my cpu so why would i want them on my gpu.
I find Boost a nice feature as long as we have the control to keep it or to disable it and as long as it is equipped with a balanced Power Target that don't throttle the card with high overclocks. And the HDs bested the s in everything. The was only able to keep up in Borderlands 2 and Skyrim. The s won everything and by a great margin even in Battlefield 3.
This is not acceptable at all for a card at a price of a GTX I always have been and Nvidia fan myself and used many of their cards since We live in a world where saving energy is now becoming a prime concern in electronics, I bet any money this feature will be here in all future releases and AMD also. There will be no avoiding power throttling.
I personal never liked the powerstates on gpu, but i see why its there. Game Over said: I got 2 's and I have no problem with the powerboost. You can stop the cards from going into power saving if you want to through the NVIDIA control panel, but it doesn't do any harm to leave it enabled - the power saving is there to avoid excessive heat output and power usage when the GPU isn't doing much.
GPU boost doesn't stop you from overclocking at all, it's just done in a slightly different way to previous GPU generations. I have actually found these s really easy to overclock so far.
Powerboost helps in achieving this by only taking the GPU up to maximum clock speeds when necessary. At the same time, the memory interface on Kepler is not 'crippled', it's simply more appropriate for the GeForce use case i. It is definitely far too early to begin speculating on the series though!
I have GTX and never had any problems with it, but as someone already mentioned its all depend on the feedback they will get back from the ppl, but now I only know serie is great for me. This talk of the series. Is it being mentioned cuz it is coming soon? Any chance it will be happening in the 1st week of January?
Man to the guy who started this thread I've ran a series card I have never tried overclocking my cards but I have with my CPU and there are ways to disable the throttling.
There has to be a way to do this for the nvidia cards? There is a new firmware update for the cards. To fix a stability issue I believe. My FTW is slightly overclocked with no issues whatsoever. I'm going to watercool so any summer heat issues will be non-existant. But If people want to push the envelope they should be allowed. While some may find this disappointing, it does not come as a surprise, for a couple of reasons. For one, Kepler is almost a decade old at this point, so it has had a good long run.
And secondly, Nvidia a few weeks ago had updated a data center document to indicate that the R driver would be the end of the road for Kepler. Curiously, Nvidia later removed the entry, reverting back to listing driver support as "ongoing" for Kepler. This led us to wonder if Nvidia had backtracked, given the current landscape—it's next to impossible to buy a new GPU right now, unless you're willing to pay reseller pricing.
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