When do azaleas bloom in michigan
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Mix the Ironite or aluminum sulfate as directed on the package into the soil before planting and around existing plants. Azaleas and rhododendrons do not require as much maintenance as most people think.
If you prepare the soil as we described above the soil will hold enough moisture between watering and still drain off the excess. A layer of mulch will hold the moisture in the soil so watering will only be once or twice a week depending on how dry the weather has been.
Avoid daily watering for it may lead to root rot diseases. The easiest way to test the soil to see if your plants are receiving enough water is to gather a small amount of soil from just below the surface. Squeeze a handful of soil. If the soil is crumbly when released you need to water more. If the soil is wet enough that your hand gets wet then you need to cut down on the watering.
Fertilize your plants with granular fertilizer made just for azaleas or rhododendrons in late spring and again in late summer. A soil acidifier such as Ironite is also recommended in your fertilizing program. Liquid fertilizers such as Miracid are fine, only they need to be applied more often since they are not slow release. Herbaceous peonies just starting to sprout in April at the Arb. Tree peonies budding in the Nichols Arboretum Peony Gardens.
Tree peonies in bloom, often several weeks before herbaceous peonies. In Nichols Arboretum. Virginiana bluebells in Nichols Arboretum.
Rhododendron 'White Lights'. Rhododendron calendulaceum Flame Azalea. Rhododendron occidentale Western Azalea. Rhododendron 'Weston's Innocence'. Rhododendron arborescens Sweet Azalea. Rhododendron prunifolium Plumleaf Azalea.
Rhododendron viscosum Swamp Azalea. Their soil should be acidic, organic, moist, fertile and well-drained.
Choose a site with dappled shade in sheltered conditions. Avoid deep shade beneath other trees. Most Rhododendrons will tolerate a more open site if sheltered from cold, dry winds.
Dwarf alpine species will tolerate full sun provided the soil is kept evenly moist. Many Azaleas and Rhododendrons are fully cold hardy, however a few of them have frost-resistant flowers. Any flowers blooming before the last spring frost are susceptible to damage. Since the frost damage is generally caused when the early morning sun strikes the plants' frozen tissues, you should site your Azalea or Rhododendron where both leaves and flowers are protected from the early morning sun, and where they will adapt slowly to the increasing temperatures of the day.
Since frost flows downward, avoid planting them in low-lying spots known to be frost pockets. When placing plants, always choose locations that mitigate extreme temperature changes, especially in spring and fall, and provide protection from drying summer or winter winds.
Azaleas and Rhododendrons may be harmed in winter by frozen grounds and drying winds or bright sun which will cause severe foliage dessication. Protect their shallow roots with a mulch of oak leaves or pine needles and their foliage with woven material such as burlap screens. This will help in preventing bark-split when the sap running in the stem is frozen and burst the bark.
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