What type of dehumidifier do i need

This warms the room somewhat, but not as much as an actual heater. Refrigeration models operate best in hot, humid conditions. The hotter the air, the easier it is to cool it by a large amount and extract moisture from it.

They don't work so well in cold air as it's harder to cool already cold air in order to condense water from it. Desiccant rotor dehumidifiers are becoming more readily available. These models use a slowly rotating disc or belt of material which absorbs moisture from the air.

The damp section then moves through a drying process typically a heating element , which evaporates the water and collects it in the tank. Thermo-electric dehumidifiers are a less common type of technology in Australia — we've been unimpressed with the performance of those we've tested. They work by drawing humid air across a peltier module, which is a solid state active heat pump. The best type of dehumidifier for your home can depend on whether you mainly need to dehumidify in cold damp conditions, or hot humid conditions.

Because they don't use cooling to extract the moisture, desiccant rotor models can be much more effective than refrigeration models in cold climates — in fact, their performance should be largely unaffected by the air temperature.

The desiccant model performed much the same as it did in cold conditions. The refrigeration model, which had performed relatively poorly in cold conditions, performed very well in hot conditions — on average, it extracted more than four times as much water in hot conditions as it did in cold conditions.

This shows that both desiccant and refrigeration dehumidifiers can do the job in hot humid conditions. So for heavy-duty dehumidification in hot conditions, a refrigeration model would be the best option.

The better-performing refrigeration models in our tests should perform very well in hot conditions. The dehumidification process can also result in the air being heated up to some extent, so if you just need moderate dehumidification in hot conditions, an air conditioner might be a better option, as these dry the air as they cool it.

Reverse cycle air conditioners are common in Australia, providing both heating and cooling functions — some air conditioners have dehumidify modes, so check yours before spending the money on a dehumidifier. According to the CDC , exposure to damp, moldy environments can cause a variety of health problems that range from mild symptoms, like a stuffy nose or wheezing, to more serious symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath, and the development of asthma in children.

Though variations exist both in product design and quality, most dehumidifiers work the same way. You configure the preferred humidity level, and when the humidistat registers a level that exceeds your preference, the dehumidifier clicks on. Driven by a fan, moist air moves through the appliance, where it passes over a cold metal coil. At that point, the moisture condenses into water, which the unit stores internally or drains away. The owner just needs to regularly empty any collected water.

There are several signs of high humidity in a home that can help you determine whether you need a dehumidifier. Inspect the windows and doors for fogging or excess condensation and note whether any moisture is accumulating on the walls or ceilings. This device monitors the indoor air quality and reports the readings.

Humidity levels higher than this ideal range should be treated with a dehumidifier. Is the entire house overly humid, or is the issue confined to one area such as the basement? The scope of the problem directly determines the nature of the solution. Larger whole-house dehumidifiers tie into the HVAC system and include a drainpipe that empties directly into a slop sink, sump pump , or to the outdoors.

Portable dehumidifiers, meanwhile, are much less expensive and much more consumer-friendly. They plug right into the wall and operate via built-in interfaces that are easy to understand and configure. Some portable dehumidifiers are equipped with hoses that can drain or pump out collected water automatically; others feature a collection bucket that must be emptied on a regular basis.

Even dehumidifiers of the same basic design can differ in capacity. Select a small one that can hold 10 pints of water for a square-foot space; add 4 pints of capacity for every additional square feet.

For a very damp basement or other space, it might be necessary to increase the size of the dehumidifier to efficiently remove the increased level of moisture from the air.

Choose a dehumidifier that holds 12 pints of water for a square-foot space, adding 5 pints for every additional square feet. Maybe you have noticed some signs of high humidity like:. If you notice any of these signs, you might have a problem with too much humidity. Basements, bathrooms, kitchens and attics are hotspots for high humidity. NOTE: Mildew spots are different from mould. Mildew can be easily cleaned with standard cleaning materials and a scrubbing brush. Black mould is more insidious and can be more difficult and costly to remove.

These may be signs you need a dehumidifier, but not necessarily. The first step is to test the humidity in your home using a hygrometer, taking note of the visual signs. The prevention method depends on the severity of the problem, the time of year, and the location of the dampness. If the problem is in the bathroom, the solution could be as simple as opening the window when you have a shower.

If the room is a damp basement, simply heating the space might be enough to dry out the air. Tips for reducing humidity:. Some of these solutions may not be possible for you, or the problem is too severe. Prevention is definitely better than cure when it comes to black mould. Buying a dehumidifier is a good way to prevent the conditions that lead to its growth. A dehumidifier is a device that reduces the relative humidity in the air.

Some trusted brands are Ebac, Delonghi and Meaco. There are three main types of dehumidifier. The type you choose will depend on what your purpose is for the dehumidifier. Peltier dehumidifiers work by pulling in damp air over the front of a cold heat sink. As the air passes over the cold surface, it condenses. The water released from the condensed air then drips down into the water tank and the dry air is released back into the room.

Refrigerant dehumidifiers also known as compressor dehumidifiers work in a similar way to your fridge. They use a fan to draw in air and pass it across extremely cold coils. Water condenses on the coils and drips into the water tank. Finally, the air is reheated and pumped back into the room as warmer, drier air.

This reduces the relative humidity in the atmosphere. They differ from the peltier dehumidifiers above as they use a built-in compressor to cool down the coils as opposed to just the electric current from your mains.

The compressor allows for coils of a much larger size to be chilled, and this larger surface means a lot more water can be condensed and collected. A fan draws the wet air into the dehumidifier where it is passed over the desiccant. The desiccant moisture absorber is held on a slowly rotating wheel. Part of the wheel not being used is then heated up so that the moisture drips out into the water tank. It then reheats the air and pumps the dried air back into the room. Domestic dehumidifiers come in different sizes — anywhere from ml up to around 20 litres for a domestic model.

The smallest size capacity dehumidifier would be around 0. These are useful for a small single room, boat or caravan. The capacity size you need depends on:. One thing to note is dehumidifier models are tested in ideal drying conditions and not in a real life environment. This means the true rate at which they extract water is probably slower than advertised.

The rate also depends on environmental air temperature and humidity, so use it as a rough guide only. Increase in size if:. Choose the right size using this table. This determines how quickly it fills up and how regularly you need to empty it. The tank is usually smaller than its daily capacity.

Compressor and desiccant dehumidifiers also tend to have continuous drainage hoses too. This allows them to operate constantly without worrying about the tank getting full.

Compressor dehumidifiers also known as refrigerants are usually designed to remove between 10L and 25L of moisture per day. These are ideal for dehumidifying areas of your home that are approximately room temperature and not too cold. In order for a refrigerant to work efficiently, the temperature in the room must be above the temperature of the coils in the dehumidifier. This means they will not work their best in a cold basement, garage, conservatory or caravan. You have a damp problem from household activities such as showering and clothes drying, and want to dry out the area very quickly.

Desiccants are recommended for colder environments like garages, conservatories and basements as they work at lower temperatures. Since they do not use a cold surface to condense and collect water like a compressor dehumidifier, they are much more efficient in cold environments. These tend to have a capacity of L. In this case, a desiccant dehumidifier with a smaller capacity than a compressor 8L versus 20L will significantly outperform a larger capacity compressor dehumidifier.

Peltier models are suitable for smaller spaces and you should not expect them to work at the same efficiency as desiccant and compressor models. They have a smaller capacity of around 0. Example use case: A small space bedroom that suffers from window condensation and a few spots of mildew are starting to appear. Running your dehumidifier is likely to add anything between a few pounds to a couple of hundred pounds to your yearly electricity bill.

It all depends on what type of dehumidifier you buy and how much you use it.


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