What is derivative of lnx

The derivative of a constant is zero. Find the derivative of the function. Here we have a fraction, which we can expand with rule 3 , and then a power, which we can expand with rule 1. Remember that this is just algebra — no calculus is involved just yet. Each of the derivatives above could also have been found using the chain rule. As you study calculus, you will find that many problems have multiple possible approaches.

However, there are some cases where you have no choice. For example, consider the following function. Instead, here, you MUST use the chain rule. In some problems, you will find that there is a bit of algebra in the last step, with common factors cancelling. Be sure to always check for this.

It is nothing but the common logarithm with base "e". We know that ln 3 is a constant and hence its derivative is 0. Learn Practice Download. Derivative of ln x In this lesson, we are going to see what is the derivative of ln x. By using the first principle definition of derivative By using implicit differentiation Let us see what is the derivative of ln x along with its proof in two methods and few solved examples.

What is the Derivative of ln x? Derivative of ln x by First Principle 3. Derivative of ln x by Implicit Differentiation 4. Derivative of ln x by Implicit Differentiation. Examples on Derivative of ln x Example 1: Find the derivative of ln 2x - 3. Example 2: Find the derivative of ln x 2.

Example 3: Find the derivative of x ln x. Have questions on basic mathematical concepts? Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. Upcoming Events. Featured on Meta. Now live: A fully responsive profile. The unofficial elections nomination post. Linked 4. Related 1. Hot Network Questions. Question feed. Mathematics Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled.


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