What if brother and sister cats mate
It is nearly impossible to predict whether a littermate pair will remain friends once grown up. The dynamics of the littermate duo can change greatly and quickly, often due to competition for your attention or territorial conflict. If you have a sibling duo who are not purrfectly peaceful and synchronized with each other, we recommend this article by WebMD on Aggression Between Cats in Your Household. Cat siblings are generally genetically very different.
Unless the breeding occurred in a controlled environment, kittens of the same litter can actually have different fathers. And even those kittens who have both of the same parents, have likely randomly inherited a number of different gene combinations. This means that while certain genetic traits will be shared by the siblings, every sibling will be genetically unique. This remains untrue only for identical twin cats.
Identical twins are cats who have developed from the same initial egg fertilized by one sperm. This happens when a fertilized egg divides early in the development and results in two different lineages of cells that will ultimately form the whole organisms. This means that the two identical cats will carry the same genetic information. Unlike human identical twins, it can be rather difficult to recognize cat twins though, because the color pattern genes can be expressed differently in two cats even when the genetic information is identical.
With that being said, unless two cats are identical twins which cannot be determined based off appearance , the DNA test results of two cat littermates are expected to be different. While siblings will have a certain amount of DNA in common, the combination of all the possible genetic variants given by the parents will be unique for each individual.
And again, multiple fathers are very common in cats particularly stray cats , which increases genetic diversity in the litter. Close search. By Basepaws April 09, Did you know? NationalSiblingsDay "The smallest feline is a masterpiece. Why having littermates is so important during kittenhood The early interactions between kittens and their mom are vitally important for the development of learning abilities, social skills and personalities of the kittens.
Adopting two or more littermates When you first bring a kitten into your home, they will often be scared of the new, unknown, environment and they won't have their littermates to confide to.
Littermate syndrome Littermate syndrome is a social 'disorder' characterized by intensive bonding of two littermates to the extent of excluding most animals and people out of their own social circle.
How will the littermates get along once they grow up? DNA tests for cat siblings: how genetically similar are littermates? Your cat's DNA make-up matters. Sudden aggression in a normally sweet cat may sometimes indicate pain or other underlying problem. Cats can sometimes attempt to hide an illness, but may become stressed or lash out in an attempt to It sounds as though it may be dominance based as to establish a hierarchy or teaching discipline but could also be due to stress, needing extra attention, sexual hormones may still be present even She is Yes, it is possible.
If you know it beforehand, make sure the kitten is not too large or there may be problems passing it. If your cat has already given birth, a check up will put your mind at rest This is either due to the smell of the feral cat that stuck to him or because of the hormones he has produced during the attack. Don't worry it will disappear very soon. She could be blind, or she may simply not be as interested in this type of play.
You can try testing her vision by checking to see if she blinks when you move a hand toward her face, or drag a string It could be due to a urinary tract infection. These cause them to go more regularly and is painful so can make them angry. You need to see your vet sooner rather than later as if he has crystals in Yes, this is absolutely normal, cats very often "adopt" other's kittens, as long as she is fine with them and not attacking them you have nothing to worry about.
It would not be recommended for a brother and sister to mate, since there is a higher risk of genetic problems with such close relatives mating. The kittens from such a mating may be perfectly normal, or they may suffer from birth defects - there is no way to tell until they are born.
Was this answer helpful? Not really Yes, It was. Answered by Dr. There is a possibility, but it's impossible to know for sure until after the kittens are born. You won't know if the kittens are normal for sure until after they are born, but it is never recommended to mate siblings. I would get the brother neutered now to prevent future matings. Filed under: cats kitten. Ask a Vet for Online now! Related questions My cat brother mate with her sister will she die what will the Kitty look like She will not die.
Will a brother and sister cat's kittens have problems? I have two kittens 5 month old brother, and sister. The male kitten had bad breath, female kitten tongues hangs out. Hi I have two kittens about 7 week old bother and sister my question is it normal from my girl to be sucking on her brother nippels yes it is normal, as they should still be with their mommy.
I hav brother sister cat. Will he hurt new kittens? Should I seperate him or nothing to wory You should separate then just in case when she gives birth, it's impossible to predict if he is going to hurt them or not.
Can you breed a sister and brother from different litters? Brother and sister cat mating Thread starter memo Start Date Jul 9, Joined Jun 7, Messages 58 Purraise 1 Location dubai. The kittens will be fine.. But it's best that they get her in and get her spayed right away. They may be able to terminate the pregnancy if it's still early. If not, then be sure to get her spayed once the kittens are weaned, and the males of course neutered. Maybe, maybe not. They will be lucky if the kittens are ok.
High case they will not be. I do hope they have gotten the male neutered because if not, he can and will mate with her the first chance he gets after she has the kittens! I've seen at least a dozen sibling breedings, and all of the kittens have turned out fine. But they DO need to be altered anyhow.
Inbreeding is not a good idea nless you absolutely know what you are ding, even then it is not a good idea. Just because it may turn out right doesn't mean it is. I would spay the female now before she gets too far along. And neuter the male immediately. I personally find it horrible that someone would keep directly related cats and allow them to mate. In natural circumstances, that is not likely to happen. But to raise siblings together and let them mate My sis-in-law used to keep multiple cats locked in her house, and keep kittens.
I don't know how many generations they were inbred, but she had some weird kittens. One had something deformed about its eyes. One was so tiny it was not able to get pregnant thankfully! And she lost a lot of kittens.
I would also suggest that the pregnant cat be spayed. Depending on the genetics, there could be problems. Any weaknesses would be magnified. I would also encourage finding different homes for them if you decide NOT to spay during pregnancy. There is nothing stopping the male from being neutered right now and then if keep them seperated for the period of time that is needed for all left overs to be gone.