Massage why drink water after
If your therapist is inflicting pain, say so immediately. Truth: Tell your therapist about your personal health history, including any medical conditions, surgeries and medications. That information helps us tailor your massage to you, determine the depth to use or decide if you should have a massage at all. Even if your therapist doesn't ask, give him or her a brief medical history before your massage begins.
Log out. Shelley Flannery. Myth 1: A sign of a good massage is next-day soreness. Truth: Soreness is no indication of how good a massage is. In regards to the substances that are sequestered by the body, the suggestion that massage can somehow release something that is trapped in body fat, or squeeze them out of cells and then excrete them is fanciful.
The burn that you feel with intense exercise is probably related to calcium physiology rather than lactic acid. But that is another story too. Fluid balance and fluid volume stays reasonably stable regardless of whether you drink a little less or a little more. It is part of this whole idea of homeostasis where the body does an extraordinary job of keeping things like the concentration of various substances, acidity, oxygenation and pressures in the body within a reasonable range.
But it is not medically important for any specific biological reason, and it perpetuates several minor myths we would be better off without. And lactic acid is a useful metabolite, not a waste product. Ask them which toxins they are talking about, how they normally get dealt with in the body, and how massage or water speeds up or increases the effectiveness of the normal waste processing that we have inbuilt.
Sci Transl Med. Credit to Paul Ingraham at PainScience. The short version Anything the body can get rid of it will , with or without massage , and with or without any extra water. Adequate hydration is easy and mild dehydration is not a health risk. Your Remedial Massage Therapist. Click here to learn more about Matt.
Russell is an avid learner and is engrossed in the best practices of digital marketing to spread the word about health-related topics and improving health literacy in the community. Contact Us. About Us. Free Patient Resources. List of Services. Lactic acid is a byproduct of anaerobic respiration, so when your cells need energy but there is no oxygen to produce it, they take this alternative route to produce what they need.
It is the quick and dirty way to fuel your body, as it is not as efficient as aerobic respiration using oxygen , and it produces the lactic acid byproduct which needs to be processed by your liver. As we mentioned before, the constriction of your muscles can reduce circulation, leading to less oxygen being available to your muscles. This can produce a negative feedback loop where your tighter muscles are producing more lactic acid, with no way to remove it.
The presence of lactic acid in your muscles has been proven to cause water to flow out of your muscles, leaving them dehydrated and increasing your blood pressure.
Salts electrolytes and phosphates, processed in the kidneys, and nitrates like ammonia, processed by the liver, can also build up in your muscles.
Massages can help break up these pockets of toxins allowing your body to flush them out and send them for processing in their respective organs. Drinking more water after a massage will help dilute the concentration of these toxins, making it easier for your body to process without overloading your organs.
Here are some symptoms you may experience. DOMS are typically experienced after high-intensity exercise, which can cause micro tears in your muscles. Your body responds to this by sending blood flow and nutrients to the area to heal, which in turn helps your muscles grow.
Massages can lead to these same microtears, leading to similar symptoms. These symptoms usually appear 12 to 24 hours after your workout or massage. Drinking water after your massage will help your body heal faster and ease these symptoms, but how much water is the right amount? There is debate about the actual amount of water that is considered the right amount. A good way to know you are hydrated is to make a point to drink your 8 glasses a day and if your urine is clear then, you are hydrated.
If you are already a pro at staying hydrated, then go ahead and tack on an extra glasses of water after a massage. Every body is different s. If the day after a massage you are stiff, feeling pain or fatigue, add on a couple more glasses the next go around. We would even reco. Hydrate properly, and you will find your body feeling renewed and rejuvenated. Schedule your appointment today!