Lol should i buy malzahar
C Tier. Summoner Spells. Skill Order. Item Build. Malzahar Build Counters Tier List. Malzahar Item Build Patch Patch Summon Aery. Manaflow Band. Magical Footwear. Cosmic Insight. Adaptive Force. Scaling Health. Maxing Skill Order. He is very useful in team fights, combining massive DoT damage with great crowd control. We hope this Malzahar guide will help you make the best of this awesome champion!
Many mids and supports have great CC engages, which this passive will negate. Malzahar sends out an AoE silence in the shape of a line. At level 5, this is one of the strongest silence in the game with a 2-second duration. With how fast late-game combat takes place, you can effectively shut down the abilities of multiple enemies for the duration of an entire fight. Malzahar can spawn pet voidlings that will prioritize targets first affected by his Ult Nether Grasp and then by his E Malefic Visions.
For each spell you cast before Void Swarm, one additional voidling spawns, up to a maximum of 3, although you can have more than 3 active at once by recasting to ability before your voidlings despawn.
Voidlings do a large amount of damage but can be easily killed. If the target dies while the ability is still active, Malefic Visions will travel to the next nearest target, resetting its timer. You can clear entire waves with one use of this ability, especially if paired with your voidlings.
This is a fantastic ability, especially in situations where one person on the enemy team is carrying the others. Just lock down that priority target, and wipe them out. While Exhaust would also work here, Ignite helps you maximize your damage-dealing potential during your ultimate, especially after your level 6 power spike. Fizz guide season 10 by cayden Fizz Player. Good news, your wave clear costs less mana than his. Take teleport and don't stand near low hp minions. Watch out for his flash ult.
It cannot be cleansed. Season Later on in the game, Veigar is able to out-range Malzahar with his spells. Veigar One shot guide [ If he ults a teammate, you can interrupt it with your Q. Be wary of his R during teamfights. But by building a QSS early, you'll be sacrificing a lot of crucial dmg, and therefore reducing the kill pressure you have on Malzahar. Ask jungler for help.
Try to bully him before he hits 6. Dodge his abilities with e. Post 6 you are fucked. Buy quick silver sash. Death to all towers by SicKitty Ziggs Player. He has very good wave clear and he beats you at 6. You have strong enough waveclear to match his and also kill his W minions for extra gold. You can jump on him anytime you like. If he is perma ulting you mid game, a QSS might not be a bad buy. Just, let him push or try to kill him at lv3.
If u will reach lvl 6 first then you should engage but be sure where enemy jungler is. Early ganks vs him may already win the gank for you. Yasuo but I'm gonna make it detailed might take some time t by henxs Yasuo Player. Early on you can outpush him so try to shove him in because he struggles to farm under tower. A guide to Karma Mid [ Although you seriously need to make sure he can't reset his e onto you because you'll take a ton of damage.
When his spellshield is up and you want to trade with charm throw your q right before charm so that the spellshield is removed and he takes the charm amplified q damage as well as getting cc'd. When he hits 6 make sure to have both sides of the lane warded because Malzahar has insane gank setup potential. If he's too much of a problem to handle just purchase the QSS tax. He will just push and keep you under tower. Use your q to proc his passive and all in him when his passive is on cd before 6 or if he has no ult.
Galio op op in depth Galio guide by topal Galio Player. Vladimir 1v9 guide by VetterPatman Vladimir Player. Try to poke him hard and force him under turret, because he'll miss a lot of farm. You can take down his passive shield with an auto attack so look to take it down whenever possible.
Taking Liandries is necessary because if ur in combat then he will be in combat too and that means it will take longer for his shield to come back. He can't even ult. Most of the times he will ult you right after you dash into him and your charm will cancel his ult. Looks good as well. You will get honors and stuff.
Climb Ranked Tips S10! Trade with him if he wastes his cooldowns. Buying QSS will make you tough to kill for Malzahar even in 1v2 situations. Try to Q him and reactivate it, if the spellshield is down. This problem can be solved buy getting the Quicksilver Sash, but leaves your build without the final item.
If he gets close to you to ult you, place your plants and ultimate and they'll kill him while he's standing still. He's very hard to play against because he gets a free spellshield, has a silence, and can cc you very hard with his Ult and just kill you if you get stuck. It's winnable, but you're gonna want to be as safe as you can while laning. You can't dive him because of his R, so roam bot and wait for fights. During fights, try to go in when he wastes his ult. Carry your allies to the victory by Sloyr Katarina Player.
In-Depth Ekko Build Guide!! His waveclear is amazing, but the voidlings give a bit of extra gold. You must always auto first to bring his passive down and never have your Q or Ult blocked or you will have no source of higher damage or heal, and will bring your death especially with his swarm of minions that hurt like hell as if his ranged suppress ult was not enough.
Your E is good if you ever get infected by his E and can make his ult signifcantly useless if timed together by luck and will leave him slightly vulnerable in this case. But other than that, he has a great advantage over you. W hes shield, Q and R him. Je vous conseille de hard push la lane et de roamer. Once he's 6 you might not want to shuffle him anymore because he can just ult you. His little creatures will be annoying to deal with. Aggressive Azir [Patch This lane shuts you down completely.
Auto-shove then he hides in fog of war so you cannot step up because he can just R you if you go into the river. His jungler can play around him easily so you cannot get vision permanent pinks you can't contest. I know my laning is shut down so I go for a supportive style of build.
Obviously you dont want to be pushed and have him flash ult you and get ganked but you can farm it up and try to roam. Rumbling in the 90s by Dgraider Rumble Player. Play passive and ask for jungler pressure when they can help. If you can get ganks and secure the kills, it could be easier for you in the mid game to destroy in lane.
Take Doran's shield. Understanding Katarina: A Full Guide [ But as long as you are pacient , you can still win. If you use your Q to cancel his R, you will most likely win the teamfight or survive the incoming gank. But now Diana crushes him from levels 3 to 6 and can snowball.
Build Quicksilver Sash against him because his ultimate is broken. Not even cleanse can break his ultimate CC. Try to dont take free poke from his malefic visions. What I mean is when he has used that on the minions stay away from them because when it kills a minion it will go on the nearest target and if it is you then you will get free poke.
After 6 be careful, because his ult can synergize well with a gank and take an easy kill so when you go in be sure that the enemy jungler isn't near.
Whatever you do dont dive him under turret. He will ult and kill you easy. Ask for gank if you cant kill him. Don't take cleanse versus Malzahar, it doesn't work on his ult. If you get hit by malzahars malefic visions try to not get hit by malzahars call of the void i mean his silence because it will refresh malefic visions damage on you.
Utility Kassadin [Patch If he doesn't have flash make sure to kill him as much as possible. His ultimate isn't that bad if you R near him for the knock up effect or if you W to polymorph him. Play away from your minions malz e spreads to the closest target if malz es you than look to shove the wave forcing malz to lose cs but if he es the wave look for an extend trade. Malz solo kill pressure VERY low.
Setup soldiers levels next to him. Walk up, and setup soldiers. Buy QSS later if you really need to, or if you're the teams win condition. Only reason its listed major, is because theres literally no counterplay to his ult, other than QSS.
You hard stomp him in lane, out shove out poke out everything, but he denies you being able to 1v9. Absolute cancer. Also you can't dive him for shit past 6. He's a pain, sure, but at the end of the day if you're keeping yourself up on farm and positioning well you shouldn't have too hard of a time. What's even nicer is that he likes to push you under tower and leave himself vulnerable to ganks.
His minions slows you so you don't get close and there is nothing to dodge so you die real easy. Get Mercury Treads and try to avoid him. You can poke him pretty well and absorb his damage with your q. Malzahar himself is not the biggest threat to Vladimir, but his passive denies you an all in most of the times while his ult further cucks you in teamfights even if you go for different targets. The only counter play is to build QSS or wait his ult out, otherwise the enemy team will probably focus you while you are suppressed and you will die before you can Zhonya's or pool.
Most of his abilities are point-and-click, giving him really easy, unmissable harass and lockdown. Always pop his passive shield before trying to engage. He pushes extremely hard and is vulnerable to ganks, so just try not to die too much and ask for help from your jungler when he inevitably pushes the wave!
Investing in a Quicksilver Sash to negate his ult is also definitely worth it if you're having trouble. Also care for his lvl 6 burst; suppression from his ult can set up ganks on you super easy. You cannot cancel his ult either so typically, I would either ask for a jungler to help or just take cleanse over ignite in this lane.
Time your E well, keep your distance, and just go all in when he doesn't have his ult. How to do everything yourself mid by Tayna Morgana Player. Revert Urgot. Try and bait him to use his ultimate before you use yours, and harass him whenever possible using the W-E-double Q combo. Sash is a must. His spiders are also an issue to maneuver around. He can also use his silence to cancel your Q. Definitely need two rotations of your tornado in order to go in on him effectively because of his spell shield.
Never engage while his shield is up and steer clear of minions that are afflicted with his poison. Wukong Guide Basics by minebaby Wukong Player. If you do not mind scaling than the lane is fairly simple and he will never pose much of a threat to you until you have already hit your power spike. You'll want strong waveclear if you plan on having a passive lane. Ekko Mid 9. Just get a qss and use it when he ults you and you will be fine.
Master Yi by nphm20 Master Yi Player. You have to tell your jungler to babysitt a bit in the earlygame, because if he gets ahead it's not funny. Some Magic Resist helps anyway. He got strong push and laning phase, he's ult counter you the most.
Try poking with q and freezin wave til your jg is ther! Diamond zed guide [ Patch 9. Malzahar can damage you well, well not well but you get it?
Focus mainly on keeping up with his shove and wait for teamfights, as you have a greater presence in them than he does. Malzahar can only Ult one person in teamfights and you can not only Ult multiple people but he is completely vulnerable to being oneshot by you if he doesn't Ult you.
In lane, poke his shield off with autos or by fanning your W, and you can E his voidlings, killing them all and hurting his pushing power.
If worst comes to worst you can always just but a Quicksilver Sash as well. Honestly ban him because: 1. His Spellshield cockblocks you to hook him. His voidlings can block your hook. His ult is annoying. But your Play style will have to change, that being passive as your are "technically" behind. No Technique It Is Forbidden.
When facing mal play smart and punish him if he is alone. But never face him without an advantage while also try to avoid clinging to minions. His free spell shield makes it very hard to kill him. Always kill his voidlings with Q and stack your passive off them. It just isn't possible. Maybe with a gank, but don't spam ping your jungler about it. Just wait for Ludens and stopwatch before roaming, because you can't really push against him.
This is a matchup where he will poke you with his E, shove your wave with Q, W, AND E, can't get knocked up because of his shield passive, and can level 6 insta-kill you with his jungler by pressing R. Rush QSS after zeal or statikk. You don't have to right after zeal if the enemy jungler is weak or can't really gank well.
Let him push lane and farm with your Q, trying to hit him with it to take away his shield. Time to go home by Sundown23 Ornn Player. Once he hits level 6 he can counter your ultimate with his own. If you hit level 6 first, try to kill him.
Don't underestimate his silence when you go in. You will outscale him at late. I recommend taking cleanse for this champion matchup to dodge the R. It will be hard to win trades so try to keep up with farm until the late game where you can outscale. Akali Guide road to gold easy with this guide by vzelt Akali Player. Crit Aartox by lma03 Aatrox Player. Bring cleanse if you want. Use his voidlings to stack nado or dash towards him. Strong laning phase compared to Vlad's weak early-game.
Harass him early to force him to place his space aids on you instead of on the minions, and push him under his tower. Call for early ganks if possible.
As a melee champion, it'll be incredibly difficult to win trades if his passive shield is up. You won't be able to all in at any stage of the game as his ult will stop you in your tracks. You'll be forced to CS under turret early game until help with a gank.
Roam with your jungler. His only threat is that he may lock you down for a gank or that you underestimate his voidling damage while being ulted. Fairly easy farm lane. I permaban him. Patch 9. Jhin MID - 9. Watch for minions to predict ult use. Singularity his position and wait until his spell shield is popped before detonating. His minions provide decent blockage for your Q, but once you get 6 things shape up. The R is really the deciding factor, and he will have better wave pressure.
To prevent him from roaming, push the lane back into his tower. Once you are 6, Malzahar should not be much of a problem. Once you have gotten rid of his passive shield he becomes a free kill unless of course he still has ult up. In this scenario, just poke him down with Q until he gets low enough for an all in. It also goes without saying that at level 6, do not dive Malz while he is under turret since he can suppress you before you finish your full combo.
You get free money from his voidlings though. You also have a stronger duel than him post 6, so make sure to abuse it. Remember that you can knock out the spellshield with an auto, and if you hit him with Q dead on and explode when it's passed him, you can still stun him through spellshield.
Your best option is to stay safe and wait for ganks. His damage is lacking early if his voidlings aren't up, so use that as your chance to trade with him. A good idea beforehand would be to Q at him and E away and wait for them to come off cooldown. You'll be more effective the next time you go in to trade with his spellshield down.
Remember that his ultimate will suppress you and leave you vulnerable to attack and that his spellshield can negate your ult. Basic Fizz Guide for Season 9 post patch 9. My typical ban. He can easily bully you out of lane if your jungler doesnt camp him. He is long range, infinite pushing power, and an ult that can lock you out of Riftwalk and any abilities for ganks.
You won't be able to touch him early, so just play safe early. Try to buy a Quicksilver Sash, especially if the enemy jungler has strong damage.
You can Riftwalk away if the jungler can't do enough damage while you are suppressed. Perfectly Balanced - 9. You should be able to clear his minions fairly quickly. If he is shoving wave to meet a skirmish ping it really hard and try to focus him. If he keeps focusing minions you might be able to kill or demotivate him to skirmish, otherwise you are better off going to the skirmish yourself.
Knowing when to roam on cassiopeia is key, as she is immobile. Cassiopeia Guide by Flipps Cassiopeia Player. It's best to build Banshee's Veil yourself to counter him. I'd peel with the ADC if I were you.
In early game though, you can poke him to take away his shield. Afterwards, you can bully him until he does a shitload of AP to you. This is why you have a wall. Use your auto to get rid of his passive and Q him.
His spellshield negates your charm so try and auto him to get rid of it and charm. This is best done while your jungler is ganking. He has an easier time waveclearing than you.
Keep it down with Q, and look to trade when he uses his abilities to clear waves. His ult pretty much makes you useless. Be very careful about getting caught out by his R. His biggest weakness early is his mana costs so try and keep him in lane as long as possible. You'll most likely be too fast for him to hit anything, but it's a threat nonetheless. S9 Lux Guide patch 9.
I would say to pop his shield with Q and just all in! You both want to push waves, but he cant without his minions so you get dominance mid lane. Break his shield with Q before all in.
Avoid getting poked by his Poison and get QSS if ulti is proving too much for you. Basics and combos of Zed by Ec Zed Player. Remember, cleanse doesn't work for malzahar's ultimate, that's why you need QSS.
Play safe early and farm with Q. At 6 u can win if you q when he r or at least you win easier. Kassawin by Helnakensbrorsa Diamond Kassadin Player. Don't make trades when his passive shield is up, make sure to get it down with Q, then wait till Q is up again and go in hard. Don't risk making plays when he's level 6, because his ult is simply stupid and if his jungler is around, you will be dead.
Even it ult malzahar can burst you down it his combo. Stun, silence, spell shield, high poke. If you cant ban pick cleanse and try to dominate with jungler. You melt his Voidlings with E, outtrade with Q and oneshot him.
Use your q or auto to get rid of his shield and then go to town because he has a lot of trouble dodging your q. Malzahar's worst matchup imo, as he can't do much to you early game, and you have strong kill potential on him pre 6. If you aren't confident in your ability to grab an early kill on him, hard shove the wave early on as he has a lot of trouble last hitting under turret. Rush Hexdrinker and hope that he's too stupid to R you after you come out of your ult. Your chances of killing him pre 6 are pretty bad because of his Passive Shield.
You outscale him pretty hard, you should use that to your advantage. You are going to lose lane so badly, it is going to physically hurt. DOT, 2. Someone please remove this champion. Im done. His ult can lock you down and kill you so don't go in while low. His Voidlings are also nuts, consider slowing them with your Q.
Fun fact: hitting him while his passive is up with your Q still gives you the health regen and movespeed. Skill matchup. We saw how this Matchup goes in the Finals of Worlds Crown vs. His overall damage is pretty small though but it can still kill you if you aren't being careful.
Katarina 1v9 hard stomp low elo by Desinstala Katarina Player. Take his passive down with auto, dash to dodge the silence, get hex drinker and or qss your gonna it at least after lane. Just push the wave hard and all in him when you can kill. Ekko is actually good and under the radar busted by SmokeyEggs Ekko Player.
He can out trade you if he lands his silence and can just press r for his jungler to kill you. You can 1 shot his voidlings with your Q. It'll significantly stop his push. Make sure to stay away from the minion that has malefic vision on it as it'll bounce to you when it dies. As soon as he uses his silence you can all in him pretty easily. To counter it just use 2 turrets at a time and when he takes down the set of two with his e place up 2 new ones.
Another way would be to poke him with autos and pressure him out of lane early. AA or Q him to take off his shield before throwing out more skills. Look to trade with him whenever his silence is on CD.
NEVER dive him. You win trades pretty easily, but won't be able to solo him instantly. You need to accumulate your damage over time.
Play a bit more passive if your flash is down. Rely on Jungle help to keep him at bay. Zed , The Master Of Shadows by vukashin. Ready to set the world on fire by xispy Diamond Brand Player.
You will need banshee. If he get you with his r you will die. Escape to gold with one champ by Olenka05 Diamond Veigar Player. Build hexdrinker and QSS as soon as possible if you want any hope of winning. Don't even try to get in close for a kill, he will just ult you and silence you. Assassin at it's finest: 9. His passive makes it very hard to trade since we can't proc it without being on top of him.
Just farm and roam. He will always be pushed up because of his E, which you should avoid. Try auto attacking away his passive before you trade with him. Buy QSS if you are having a really hard time against his R.
Cleanse will not help with his R!!! Care of his bouncing E and shield, and try to harass him when he tries to lasthit. Wait for Electrocute to come back up and all-in him. He will try to use ult, but unless he has all of his spells up, this won't hurt at all. Immobile AP champs like Malz are very easy to play into as Kassadin.
Your clear matches his but is much cheaper in the early levels. He'll find himself farming under turret a lot. Hilarious ult interactions as well, as sometimes malz will try to ult you as you peek-a-boo in with your ult, only for you to reset back to your initial position.
Np moe by Underhead Zoe Player. This champ can apply aids and you can't do anything about it. He sets up easy jungle ganks at 6 because of his Ult. Try to abuse his weak early game before he hits 6 as he will end up just permashoving and not fight you. Get QSS later on. Underhead's Oneshot guide by Underhead Zoe Player.
He counters everything you have. Dont go in. Just poke and rush protobelt so you can remove his passive easier. Akali still good by piggypiggyshadow Akali Player. Try to push fast and follow up with his roams. In teamfights you shouldn't go in when he has ult. Ekko Broken build by pokemon Ekko Player. His "W" thingies die to just one of your "Q" so, thats very nice If youre outfarming him and dont want to get in any trouble Pop it with your AAs.
He pushes hard but it's not that bad. He's immobile and some jungler's help would be nice. Found Him! The Light Of Demacia! If you roam while he is in lane you will miss many waves of minions because he has one of the strongest pushes in mid lane. Avec zilean mid vous ne serez plus en retard! You really can't do anything about it unless you get rid of it first.
Bronze's Zoe Guide. The fact that he can hold you in place as a jungler comes in is the problem. Prop his shield with Q. Then engage with W. Remember that wile he R's, he cant move, so he will be right there when you comes out. Zed Season 9 moutenn guide by moutenn Zed Player. After level 6, it'll only get more dangerous because of his ultimate and silence. I recommend trying to push up and roam or wait for him to roam to push towers. In teamfights, try to avoid going near him as much as you can or wait until he has already used his ultimate.
It's hard to land a combo on him becuase of his W. After 6, because of his point click ultimate, waiting for gank is probably your best option. His spell shield also stops your poke reducing you to crying in the corner. Request a lane swap if possible, if not just cs and kill his voidlings- try not to fight him.
You win in trades if you get rid of his shield before hand. Make sure to avoid his E the void aids as it does do more damage than you would expect. His Ult stuns. I recommend buying Mercury Treads against this guy so his ult doesn't last as long.
Pre-6 you can play a little more aggressive, but once he gets 6, don't shuffle near him or else he'll ult you. His voidlings can also be a problem.