Firebug net waiting why

July 8, at pm. I had this strange issue as well. Val says:. July 9, at pm. Wow, thanks. This was driving me nuts. Roger says:. July 15, at pm. July 21, at am. Owain John says:.

July 25, at pm. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required. Search for:. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.

Follow Following. NET Blog Join 1, other followers. Sign me up. Already have a WordPress. Log in now. As sou can see from the screenshot most of the time spent is waiting for a server response thats the purple coloured area. What exactly is that server response time? Is the server too slow?

Is my connection too slow? Can't the server process much information at once I've got many files there, I know I'll combine them to fewer? What do I have to do to minimise that waiting time?

This article is quite nice about features of firebug : Introduction to Firebug: Net Panel especially the timeline section But it doesn't say much about what "waiting for response" exactly means So, I'm guessing that the "waiting for response" period is the time during which the browser has sent the request to the server, and has not received any response yet : it is "waiting" for some content beginning to arrive :.

In the case of a server generating the whole page before beginning sending it to the browser, I suppose the "waiting for response" time would be correspond to :. Not sure which version of firebug you use.

But in my version 1. To me, it sounds to me pretty much equal to the server side processing time. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. What exactly is the 'Waiting for response' msg on Firebug's Net tab?

If you right click on a request entry you should see something like as follows the list of actions depends on the type of clicked request :. The post describes detailed [ I am wondering whether it is possible to block or modify some of the HTTP requests that are sent out.

Yan: no, but it's a nice feature and it could be perhaps implemented as a new Firebug extension. But if there's anyone here that needs more extensive info, let [ In addition, YSlow gives me the following value: ms. What is the difference between these different outputs?

This is very confusing. Markku: The total page load time is the time between the first request start till the last request end. It isn't equal to the summing up each load time since some requests can overlap in time. But, yes, the total size should be equal to the sum of all request sizes.

The data is successfully posted, but there is no response from the action page. How do I reduce that time? I'm using wordpress hosted on a linux server at go daddy. As Honza just explained to me on the Firebug chat, the 2 time measures have the following meaning: - the first one: page load, page rendering incl.

The red and blue lines do not cover its row. Why is that? Form Creator: yes, this would be great feature, I recall some activity in this area, but it never happened. Software is hard More musings on software development Jan Odvarko. Introduction to Firebug: Net Panel by Honza.

Published : May 7th, Comments : 37 Comments Category : Firebug , Planet Mozilla Since there is not much user documentation related to Firebug features and there is a lot what to know about I have decided to put together several posts about existing features.

You'll be surprised how many features is there! Response status and description OK. Requested file name testPage1. Domain name from where the response came from softwareishard. Size of the response B. Graphical timeline and load time info 80ms. There is also a summary info at the bottom of the request list.

This summary simply says: The page initiated two requests. The size of the requested data is B. The total page load time was milliseconds since the beginning of the first request to the end of the last request. Click on the following screenshot to see all headers. The expanded body has following tabs: Headers - request and response HTTP headers Response - data returned from the server. The other tabs look like as follows: URL Parameters If a network request uses a query string URL parameters , another Params tab is available providing tabular info about all specified parameters.

Browser Cache If a network response comes from the browser cache, there is a Cache tab, showing an info that is related to the appropriate cache-entry.

Further, there is following info: Last Modified - last time the cache entry was modified Last Fetched - last time the cache entry was opened Expires - expiration time of the cache entry Data Size - cache entry data size Fetch Count - number of times the cache entry has been opened Device - id for the device that stores this cache entry Cookies There can be also other tabs coming from Firebug extensions.


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